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15.12 Update Log

  1. Upgraded the underlying layers of the amd64 and arm64 architectures from Debian 12.5 to Debian 12.6.
  2. Upgraded the loong64 underlying layer from Debian Sid (maintained by lauosc) to Debian Port and provided installation images.
  3. Updated the loong64 kernel version to 6.10.3.
  4. Upgraded several preinstalled applications, including Spark Store and Wine Runner.
  5. Optimized the top bar user experience (based on dde-top-panel, original project address: and included some plugins as well as enabled the global menu function. (Music plugin:; Resource monitoring plugin:; DDE Top Panel:
  6. Changed the system logo.
  7. Beautified the GRUB interface with the tela theme as the default.
  8. Added clipboard manager and global search.
  9. Added support for forcing dde-dock to hide.
  10. Launcher now supports switching to the same style as deepin20.
  11. Added a classic-style deepin terminal (installable via the command sudo apt install deepin-terminal-gtk in GXDE OS or from the Spark Store).
  12. Adjusted the title bar style and corner radius size of third-party applications.
  13. Updated versions of deepin applications and components such as linglong, deepin-terminal, uos-ai, deepin-editor, and deepin-kwin.
  14. Fixed the issue of not being able to recognize and display the system default avatar when installing the desktop environment on loong64.
  15. Fixed the issue of some entries in the Control Center being displayed in English.
  16. Fixed several other issues.

最后由衷的感谢星火团队提供的资源以及服务,使 GXDE 可以获得更好的体验