15.12 Update Log
- Upgraded the underlying layers of the amd64 and arm64 architectures from Debian 12.5 to Debian 12.6.
- Upgraded the loong64 underlying layer from Debian Sid (maintained by lauosc) to Debian Port and provided installation images.
- Updated the loong64 kernel version to 6.10.3.
- Upgraded several preinstalled applications, including Spark Store and Wine Runner.
- Optimized the top bar user experience (based on dde-top-panel, original project address: https://github.com/SeptemberHX/dde-top-panel) and included some plugins as well as enabled the global menu function. (Music plugin: https://github.com/SeptemberHX/dde-mpris2-plugin; Resource monitoring plugin: https://gitee.com/q77190858/dde-sys-monitor-plugin/; DDE Top Panel: https://github.com/SeptemberHX/dde-top-panel).
- Changed the system logo.
- Beautified the GRUB interface with the tela theme as the default.
- Added clipboard manager and global search.
- Added support for forcing dde-dock to hide.
- Launcher now supports switching to the same style as deepin20.
- Added a classic-style deepin terminal (installable via the command
sudo apt install deepin-terminal-gtk
in GXDE OS or from the Spark Store). - Adjusted the title bar style and corner radius size of third-party applications.
- Updated versions of deepin applications and components such as linglong, deepin-terminal, uos-ai, deepin-editor, and deepin-kwin.
- Fixed the issue of not being able to recognize and display the system default avatar when installing the desktop environment on loong64.
- Fixed the issue of some entries in the Control Center being displayed in English.
- Fixed several other issues.