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Q0: It's so slow when using apt to install packages. Can it be faster?

A0: We use multi-line download to solve this. Simply replace apt with aptss will solve this problem. You can install apt-is-aptss to appoint aptss replace apt.

A0: ** It is recommended to perform an full upgrade after installation. Please run yes | sudo aptss full-upgrade -y **

Q1: I can't operate bluetooth via control center.

A1: It's a known issue. We can't fix it for now. Please use the following command.

sudo aptss install blueman -y

Then launch Bluetooth Manager from launcher.

We feel sorry for the un-convenience.

Q2: How to create a bootable disk?

A2: For Legacy boot, it is recommended to use Rufus in DD mode. For EFI, you can use the Deepin Boot Maker.

Q3: I Need to use Android Emulator, I need an older version kernel.

A3: Simply install the package linux-kernel-oldstable-gxde-amd64 and boot with this kernel.

Q4: What is beta testing? How can I join the beta test?

A4: The latest development progress will be included in the beta test. If you want to experience the latest content, you can join the beta, but it is also unstable. It is recommended that users with some experience join.

A4: Starting from version 15.14, you can join the beta test with one click in the Control Center. For details, see:

A4: Please join our QQ Group to feedback: 881201853

Q5:When using KVM to boot GXDE OS,I found the color seems too pink

A5: kvm -vga virtio

Q6: I want to develop GXDE-style applications. How do I do that?

A6: Bash/Python script-based applications can use Garma. For detailed usage, see:

A6: For native development, please use Qt/Dtk2. Related code is as follows:

Available feature list:

Available widget list:

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